ECMAScript Explicit Resource Management

This proposal intends to address a common pattern in software development regarding the lifetime and management of various resources (memory, I/O, etc.). This pattern generally includes the allocation of a resource and the ability to explicitly release critical resources.

For example, ECMAScript Generator Functions expose this pattern through the return method, as a means to explicitly evaluate finally blocks to ensure user-defined cleanup logic is preserved:

function * g() {
  const handle = acquireFileHandle(); // critical resource
  try {
  finally {
    handle.release(); // cleanup

const obj = g();
try {
  const r =;
finally {
  obj.return(); // calls finally blocks in `g`

As such, we propose the adoption of a syntax to simplify this common pattern:

function * g() {
  using const handle = acquireFileHandle(); // block-scoped critical resource

  // or, if `handle` binding is unused:
  using const (acquireFileHandle()); // block-scoped critical resource
} // cleanup

  using const obj = g(); // block-scoped declaration
  const r =;
} // calls finally blocks in `g`


Stage: 2
Champion: Ron Buckton (@rbuckton)
Last Presented: February, 2020 (slides, notes)

For more information see the TC39 proposal process.


  • Ron Buckton (@rbuckton)


This proposal is motivated by a number of cases:

  • Inconsistent patterns for resource management:
    • ECMAScript Iterators: iterator.return()
    • WHATWG Stream Readers: reader.releaseLock()
    • NodeJS FileHandles: handle.close()
    • Emscripten C++ objects handles: Module._free(ptr) obj.delete() Module.destroy(obj)
  • Avoiding common footguns when managing resources:
    const reader = stream.getReader();
    reader.releaseLock(); // Oops, should have been in a try/finally
  • Scoping resources:
    const handle = ...;
    try {
      ... // ok to use `handle`
    finally {
    // not ok to use `handle`, but still in scope
  • Avoiding common footguns when managing multiple resources:
    const a = ...;
    const b = ...;
    try {
    finally {
      a.close(); // Oops, issue if `b.close()` depends on `a`.
      b.close(); // Oops, `b` never reached if `a.close()` throws.
  • Avoiding lengthy code when managing multiple resources correctly:
    { // block avoids leaking `a` or `b` to outer scope
      const a = ...;
      try {
        const b = ...;
        try {
        finally {
          b.close(); // ensure `b` is closed before `a` in case `b`
                     // depends on `a`
      finally {
        a.close(); // ensure `a` is closed even if `b.close()` throws
    // both `a` and `b` are out of scope
    Compared to:
    // avoids leaking `a` or `b` to outer scope
    // ensures `b` is disposed before `a` in case `b` depends on `a`
    // ensures `a` is disposed even if disposing `b` throws
    using const a = ..., b = ...;
  • Non-blocking memory/IO applications:
    import { ReaderWriterLock } from "...";
    const lock = new ReaderWriterLock(); 
    export async function readData() {
      // wait for outstanding writer and take a read lock
      using const (await;
      ... // any number of readers
      await ...; 
      ... // still in read lock after `await`
    } // release the read lock
    export async function writeData(data) {
      // wait for all readers and take a write lock
      using const (await lock.write());
      ... // only one writer
      await ...;
      ... // still in write lock after `await`
    } // release the write lock

Prior Art


using const Declarations

// for a synchronously-disposed resource (block scoped):
using const x = expr1;                              // resource w/ local binding
using const (expr);                                 // resource w/o local binding
using const y = expr2, (expr3), z = expr4;          // multiple resources

// for an asynchronously-disposed resource (block scoped):
using await const x = expr1;                        // resource w/ local binding
using await const (expr);                           // resource w/o local binding
using await const y = expr2, (expr3), z = expr3;    // multiple resources


LexicalDeclaration[In, Yield, Await] :
  LetOrConst BindingList[?In, ?Yield, ?Await, ~Using] `;`
  UsingConst[?Await] BindingList[?In, ?Yield, ?Await, +Using] `;`

UsingConst[Await] :
  `using` [no LineTerminator here] `const`
  [+Await] `using` [no LineTerminator here] `await` [no LineTerminator here] `const`

BindingList[In, Yield, Await, Using] :
  LexicalBinding[?In, ?Yield, ?Await, ?Using]
  BindingList[?In, ?Yield, ?Await, ?Using] `,` LexicalBinding[?In, ?Yield, ?Await, ?Using]

LexicalBinding[In, Yield, Await, Using] :
  BindingIdentifier[?Yield, ?Await] Initializer[?In, ?Yield, ?Await]?
  [~Using] BindingPattern[?Yield, ?Await] Initializer[?In, ?Yield, ?Await]
  [+Using] `void` Initializer[?In, ?Yield, ?Await]

ForDeclaration[Yield, Await] :
  LetOrConst ForBinding[?Yield, ?Await, ~Using]
  UsingConst[?Await] ForBinding[?Yield, ?Await, +Using]

ForBinding[Yield, Await, Using] :
  BindingIdentifier[?Yield, ?Await]
  [~Using] BindingPattern[?Yield, ?Await]


using const Declarations

using const with Explicit Local Bindings

LexicalDeclaration :
  `using` `const` BindingList `;`

LexicalBinding :
    BindingIdentifier Initializer

When using const is parsed with BindingIdentifier Initializer, the bindings created in the declaration are tracked for disposal at the end of the containing Block, Script, or Module:

  using const x = expr1;

The above example has similar runtime semantics as the following transposed representation:

  const $$try = { stack: [], errors: [] };
  try {

    const x = expr1;
    if (x !== null && x !== undefined) {
      const $$dispose = x[Symbol.dispose];
      if (typeof $$dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError();
      $$try.stack.push({ value: x, dispose: $$dispose });

  catch ($$error) {
  finally {
    while ($$try.stack.length) {
      const { value: $$expr, dispose: $$dispose } = $$try.stack.pop();
      try {
      catch ($$error) {
    if ($$try.errors.length > 1) {
      throw new AggregateError($$try.errors);
    if ($$try.errors.length === 1) {
      throw $$try.errors[0];

If exceptions are thrown both in the block following the using const declaration and in the call to [Symbol.dispose](), all exceptions are reported.

using const with Existing Resources

LexicalDeclaration : 
    `using` `const` BindingList `;`
    `using` `await` `const` BindingList `;`

LexicalBinding :
    `void` Initializer

When using const is parsed with void Initializer, an implicit block-scoped binding is created for the result of the expression. When the Block (or Script/Module at the top level) containing the using const statement is exited, whether by an abrupt or normal completion, [Symbol.dispose]() is called on the implicit binding as long as it is neither null nor undefined. If an error is thrown in both the containing Block/Script/Module and the call to [Symbol.dispose](), an AggregateError containing both errors will be thrown instead.

  using const void = expr; // in Block scope

The above example has similar runtime semantics as the following transposed representation:

  const $$try = { stack: [], errors: [] };
  try {

    const $$expr = expr; // evaluate `expr`
    if ($$expr !== null && $$expr !== undefined) {
      const $$dispose = $$expr[Symbol.dispose];
      if (typeof $$dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError();
      $$try.stack.push({ value: $$expr, dispose: $$dispose });

  catch ($$error) {
  finally {
    while ($$try.stack.length) {
      const { value: $$expr, dispose: $$dispose } = $$try.stack.pop();
      try {
      catch ($$error) {
    if ($$try.errors.length > 1) {
      throw new AggregateError($$try.errors);
    if ($$try.errors.length === 1) {
      throw $$try.errors[0];

The local block-scoped binding ensures that if expr above is reassigned, we still correctly close the resource we are explicitly tracking.

using const with Multiple Resources

A using const declaration can mix multiple explicit (i.e., using const x = expr) and implicit (i.e., using const void = expr) bindings in the same declaration:

  using const x = expr1, void = expr2, y = expr3;

These bindings are again used to perform resource disposal when the Block, Script, or Module exits, however in this case [Symbol.dispose]() is invoked in the reverse order of their declaration. This is approximately equivalent to the following:

  using const x = expr1;
    using const void = expr2;
      using const y = expr2;

Both of the above cases would have similar runtime semantics as the following transposed representation:

  const $$try = { stack: [], errors: [] };
  try {

    const x = expr1;
    if (x !== null && x !== undefined) {
      const $$dispose = x[Symbol.dispose];
      if (typeof $$dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError();
      $$try.stack.push({ value: x, dispose: $$dispose });

    const $$expr = expr2; // evaluate `expr2`
    if ($$expr !== null && $$expr !== undefined) {
      const $$dispose = $$expr[Symbol.dispose];
      if (typeof $$dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError();
      $$try.stack.push({ value: $$expr, dispose: $$dispose });

    const y = expr3;
    if (y !== null && y !== undefined) {
      const $$dispose = y[Symbol.dispose];
      if (typeof $$dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError();
      $$try.stack.push({ value: y, dispose: $$dispose });

  catch ($$error) {
  finally {
    while ($$try.stack.length) {
      const { value: $$expr, dispose: $$dispose } = $$try.stack.pop();
      try {
      catch ($$error) {
    if ($$try.errors.length > 1) {
      throw new AggregateError($$try.errors);
    if ($$try.errors.length === 1) {
      throw $$try.errors[0];

Since we must always ensure that we properly release resources, we must ensure that any abrupt completion that might occur during binding initialization results in evaluation of the cleanup step. When there are multiple declarations in the list, we track each resource in the order they are declared. As a result, we must release these resources in reverse order.

using const on null or undefined Values

This proposal has opted to ignore null and undefined values provided to the using const declaration. This is similar to the behavior of using in C#, which also allows null. One primary reason for this behavior is to simplify a common case where a resource might be optional, without requiring duplication of work or needless allocations:

if (isResourceAvailable()) {
  using const resource = getResource();
  ... // (1) above
  ... // (2) above
else {
  // duplicate code path above
  ... // (1) above
  ... // (2) above

Compared to:

using const resource = isResourceAvailable() ? getResource() : undefined;
... // (1) do some work with or without resource
... // (2) do some other work with or without resource

using const on Values Without [Symbol.dispose]

If a resource does not have a callable [Symbol.dispose] member (or [Symbol.asyncDispose] in the case of a using await const), a TypeError would be thrown immediately when the resource is tracked.

using await const in AsyncFunction, AsyncGeneratorFunction, or Module

In an AsyncFunction or an AsyncGeneratorFunction, or the top-level of a Module, when we evaluate a using await const declaration we first look for a [Symbol.asyncDispose] method before looking for a [Symbol.dispose] method. At the end of the containing Block or Module if the method returns a value other than undefined, we Await the value before exiting:

  using await const x = expr;

Is semantically equivalent to the following transposed representation:

  const $$try = { stack: [], errors: [] };
  try {

    const x = expr;
    if (x !== null && x !== undefined) {
      let $$dispose = x[Symbol.asyncDispose];
      if ($$dispose === undefined) {
        $$dispose = x[Symbol.dispose];
      if (typeof $$dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError();
      $$try.stack.push({ value: x, dispose: $$dispose });

  catch ($$error) {
  finally {
    while ($$try.stack.length) {
      const { value: $$expr, dispose: $$dispose } = $$try.stack.pop();
      try {
        const $$result = $$$$expr);
        if ($$result !== undefined) {
          await $$result;
      catch ($$error) {
    if ($$try.errors.length > 1) {
      throw new AggregateError($$try.errors);
    if ($$try.errors.length === 1) {
      throw $$try.errors[0];

using const in for-of and for-await-of Loops

A using const or using await const declaration can occur in the ForDeclaration of a for-of or for-await-of loop:

for (using const x of iterateResources()) {
  // use x

In this case, the value bound to x in each iteration will be disposed at the end of each iteration. This will not dispose resources that are not iterated, such as if iteration is terminated early due to return, break, or throw.

Neither using const nor using await const can be used in a for-in loop.


The following show examples of using this proposal with various APIs, assuming those APIs adopted this proposal.


  using const reader = stream.getReader();
  const { value, done } =;

NodeJS FileHandle

  using const f1 =, constants.O_RDONLY),
              f2 =, constants.O_WRONLY);
  const buffer = Buffer.alloc(4092);
  const { bytesRead } = await;
  await f2.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} // both handles are closed

Transactional Consistency (ACID)

// roll back transaction if either action fails
  using const tx = transactionManager.startTransaction(account1, account2);
  await account1.debit(amount);

  // mark transaction success
  tx.succeeded = true;
} // transaction is committed

Logging and tracing

// audit privileged function call entry and exit
function privilegedActivity() {
  using const void = auditLog.startActivity("privilegedActivity"); // log activity start
} // log activity end

Async Coordination

import { Semaphore } from "...";
const sem = new Semaphore(1); // allow one participant at a time

export async function tryUpdate(record) {
  using const void = await sem.wait(); // asynchronously block until we are the sole participant
} // synchronously release semaphore and notify the next participant


Additions to Symbol

This proposal adds the properties dispose and asyncDispose to the Symbol constructor whose values are the @@dispose and @@asyncDispose internal symbols, respectively:

Well-known Symbols | Specification Name | [[Description]] | Value and Purpose | |:-|:-|:-| | @@dispose | "Symbol.dispose" | A method that explicitly disposes of resources held by the object. Called by the semantics of the using conststatements. | | @@asyncDispose | "Symbol.asyncDispose" | A method that asynchronosly explicitly disposes of resources held by the object. Called by the semantics of the using await const statement. |

TypeScript Definition

interface SymbolConstructor {
  readonly dispose: symbol;
  readonly asyncDispose: symbol;

Built-in Disposables


We also propose to add @@dispose to the built-in %IteratorPrototype% as if it had the following behavior:

%IteratorPrototype%[Symbol.dispose] = function () {


We propose to add @@asyncDispose to the built-in %AsyncIteratorPrototype% as if it had the following behavior:

%AsyncIteratorPrototype%[Symbol.asyncDispose] = async function () {
  await this.return();

Other Possibilities

We could also consider adding @@dispose to such objects as the return value from Proxy.revocable(), but that is currently out of scope for the current proposal.

The Common Disposable and AsyncDisposable Interfaces

The Disposable Interface

An object is disposable if it conforms to the following interface:

Property Value Requirements
@@dispose A function that performs explicit cleanup. The function should return undefined.

TypeScript Definition

interface Disposable {
   * Disposes of resources within this object.
  [Symbol.dispose](): void;

The AsyncDisposable Interface

An object is async disposable if it conforms to the following interface:

Property Value Requirements
@@asyncDispose An async function that performs explicit cleanup. The function must return a Promise.

TypeScript Definition

interface AsyncDisposable {
   * Disposes of resources within this object.
  [Symbol.asyncDispose](): Promise<void>;

Disposable and AsyncDisposable container objects

This proposal adds two global objects that can as containers to aggregate disposables, guaranteeing that every disposable resource in the container is disposed when the respective disposal method is called. If any disposable in the container throws an error, they would be collected and an AggregateError would be thrown at the end:

class Disposable {
   * @param {Iterable<Disposable>} disposables - An iterable containing objects to be disposed 
   * when this object is disposed.
   * @returns {Disposable}
  static from(disposables);

   * @param {() => void} onDispose - A callback to execute when this object is disposed.

   * Disposes of resources within this object.

class AsyncDisposable {
   * @param {Iterable<Disposable | AsyncDisposable>} disposables - An iterable containing objects 
   * to be disposed when this object is disposed.
  static from(disposables);

   * @param {() => void | Promise<void>} onAsyncDispose - A callback to execute when this object is
   * disposed.

   * Asynchronously disposes of resources within this object.
   * @returns {Promise<void>}

The Disposable and AsyncDisposable classes each provide two capabilities:

  • Aggregation
  • Interoperation and Customization


The Disposable and AsyncDisposable classes provide the ability to aggregate multiple disposable resources into a single container. When the Disposable container is disposed, each object in the container is also guaranteed to be disposed (barring early termination of the program). Any exceptions thrown as resources in the container are disposed will be collected and rethrown as an AggregateError.

Interoperation and Customization

The Disposable and AsyncDisposable classes also provide the ability to create a disposable resource from a simple callback. This callback will be executed when the resource's Symbol.dispose method (or Symbol.asyncDispose method, for an AsyncDisposable) is executed.

The ability to create a disposable resource from a callback has several benefits:

  • It allows developers to leverage using const while working with existing resources that do not conform to the Symbol.dispose mechanic:
      const reader = ...;
      using const void = new Disposable(() => reader.releaseLock());
  • It grants user the ability to schedule other cleanup work to evaluate at the end of the block similar to Go's defer statement:
    function f() {
      using const void = new Disposable(() => console.log("exit"));

Meeting Notes


The following is a high-level list of tasks to progress through each stage of the TC39 proposal process:

Stage 1 Entrance Criteria

  • Identified a "champion" who will advance the addition.
  • Prose outlining the problem or need and the general shape of a solution.
  • Illustrative examples of usage.
  • High-level API.

Stage 2 Entrance Criteria

Stage 3 Entrance Criteria

Stage 4 Entrance Criteria

  • Test262 acceptance tests have been written for mainline usage scenarios and merged.
  • Two compatible implementations which pass the acceptance tests: [1], [2].
  • A pull request has been sent to tc39/ecma262 with the integrated spec text.
  • The ECMAScript editor has signed off on the pull request.